Name: Sayaka Moriya
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 18
Bottom line, Sayaka is in top physical condition. Slender and magnificently toned, her body can make anybody's wardrobe proud. Shimmering purple hair sits a top Sayaka's head and flows all the way down to just above her knees. It's usually held back out of her face with a neat, yet elegant braid, fastened together with a scarlet ribbon allowing only a few choice strands of hair and bangs escape it's grasp. Baby blue eyes peek out from behind Sayaka's tresses, and appear quite cool and confident. To compliment these stunning blues, a petite nose and slim pair of lips complete Sayaka's porcelain tainted face.
The attire that makes up her outfit includes:
Thigh High Boots - Colored a midnight black. On the left boot, traveling up Sayaka's leg is a gold and silver dragon. Dragons are her good luck charms.
Body Wear - A rather snug fitting, crimson red, body suit with a large, alabaster cross across the chest. A zipper also adorns this article of clothing. The neck is pretty high, almost like a turtleneck, and has its sleeves cut off at the shoulders. Smooth texture, leather-like in appearance.
Coat - A baggy, speckled, dark to light purple jacket is usually lazily slung over Sayaka's shoulders. It's a tad bit on the short side, but it's by far Sayaka's favorite article of clothing she owns.
Accessories - Big, golden hoop earrings and a pair of black, white, and red gloves worn on her hands.
Highly trained in the area of close combat Jujitsu Stats and Special Moves Outlined are as follows:
Rank: Yudanshan - 4t Dan - A black belt with two red stripes - Yodan
Harai Goshi Gaeshi - this actually more of a restraining move than one that pummels an enemy. It's executed through a hip throw, followed by a series of handsprings towards the desired target. The ultimate goal of this move is to wrap your legs around the opponent's neck, leaving the rest of your body to make an offensive attack.
Sayaka's Signature Move
Uchi Mata Makikomi - That is just the formal nameÖSayaka prefers to call it
"Crimson Rain." After confusing an enemy with wide and accurate punches or
kicks (This is more or less the part of the move executed to confuse an
enemy), Sayaka will then move in to finish off her aggressor with her
throwing knife. She'll first overcome them by either placing the person into
a headlock, or knock them ruthlessly to the ground. From there, she will
proceed to slit and cut the vital veins of the human form, such as the ones
located in the wrists, inside elbows, and neck.
Unusually sure about everything she does, Sayaka is the living, breathing example of raw confidence and security with one's self. She rarely accepts no for an answer, nor does she take kindly to handouts; Sayaka's philosophy is quite simply put, "If you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself!" Only in times when desperate measures need to be taken or risked will Sayaka follow orders or listen to what other people wish for her to do. Being pretty much self - governed and disciplined she can be called a loner at times, seen spending most of her hours physically conditioning herself, but none the less, the company of a friend is always enjoyed and most likely cherished by this young woman.
Could easily be considered aloof from the world at large, but this trait of hers is counterbalanced by Sayaka's caring heart.
For some reason, ankles have become Sayaka's fetish amongst men.
Can never turn down a carrot. Yes, a carrot, they seem to be her favorite food for some reason.
Extremely susceptible to magic or anything of the sort. Sayaka has never encountered it; therefore she does not know how to respond to its being.
Easily underestimates adversaries or enemiesÖand may even write them off as irrelevant or insignificant.
Sayaka has acute allergy attacks if she ingests chocolate or peanuts.
Avenge the death of adoptive father.
To gain more knowledge about various martial arts.
When Sayaka was born, her father so was disappointed that she was not a male child that he left her exposed in the country side, hoping that she would die of starvation, illness, or from an assault by wild animals. However, a female bear found the infant and nursed Sayaka as if she were it's own bear cub. Later, when a pair Royal Guardians found her they took her home to their town and one of the men decided to rear her in his living quarters within the kingdom's castle. Sayaka's now adoptive father was known as Euryda, a well - known Guardian of the royal monarch who ruled the small kingdom in which he resided. Because of Euryda's high rank within the community, Sayaka received many opportunities to learn new and interesting skills or hobbies. At the age of 17, when a girl is then considered a woman, Sayaka took Euryda's place in the ranks, becoming a female Guardian of the empire and it's monarch. Though, constant skirmishes and battles erupted between the empire and barbaric tribes, thirsty for land and wealth. This one tribe unparticular was quite ruthless and unforgiving, and soon, Sayaka and the empire succumbed under the chronic fights. In the midst of all this, the king, queen, and many nobles were done away with, including Sayaka's own father. Not wishing to stay and face her own demise, Sayaka ran away from the city, living off the land, and the local bounties given for outlaws captured or killed.
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