Name: Stacey ann Hierspiel
Nickname: Stana
Elemental Designate: Chosen of Earth
Age: 22
Hair: Wavy, warm chestnut brown, <light brown with red and gold highlights.> Recently cut to shoulder length.
Eyes: hazel
Skin: Irish pale-smattering of freckles across her nose in the summer
Quirks: Is afraid of the dark. Has the habit to trail off in mid sentence and switch moods abruptly.
Has an intense interest in plants and properties of them that will eventually lead into herbology and plant healing. Knows already many of the healing plants and medicinal herbs in her own reality, as well as how to extract the neccessary ingrediant.
Enjoys fishing, and archery
Is fairly decent with a bow and arrow.
Likes to juggle.
Second child. Parents divorced at ten, remarried withing a year. Lived with her father and an opressive stepmother until 12. Her father died in a tragic accident and she went to go live with her mother and a kindly stepfather. Was picked on and teased at school for her aloof nature. Took to taking books as friends, rather than ppl. Was saved <became a born again Christian> in 1991 when she was invited to a party. Plunged into her Bible studies-and made leaps in her Christian growth the first year. began to backslide into her fourth year-and by the time she hit college she fell out of rapport with God.
When her father became ill with Cancer she dropped out of college and returned home. Got odd jobs to make income before landing a part time position at a bank. Hopes to return to Technical school and get a degree in PC Repair.
Met with her friends Teri, and Paul at her old College, it was there that the group of them got blasted into Narada. Stana and Teri and Paul were all seperated in the initial landfall, and Stana stumbled over the Unicorn Clip, rescuing him from death.
After a brief reunion with Teri, she, the warrior Sullam, and Clip left to rescue the princess of the Unicorns. After the rescue, Stana was endowed as Earth Elemental, and given the pendant of that rank.
However, the Pendant was incomplete, and began to take over Stana's spirit, overshadowing her nature and perverting it. Knowing it, but unable to stop it, or to remove the amulet; and her alienation from Teri, have all driven Stana into a semi apathetic madness that grows daily deeper.
Was presented with the opportunity to escape the besieged S'Kae, she left to rescue Finn, who has contact with Spiffy.
Gardening, juggling, reading, writing, fencing, Archery, practicing her guitar, singing.
Pre amulet:
Appears to her friends as a mother figure. Tends to hover protectively. Has been described by said friends as warm, caring and kindly. Her enemies perceiev her differently-but probably not as bad as she sees herself. Stana perceives her whole personality as a facade-a mask she wears because being good makes her feel good. Has general low self image-and acknowledges it. Normally covers it up with a jibe or joke. Tries to be a good Christian-and fails alot. Romantic at heart-when she can find her heart. Currently believes it is lying in a box buried in New Jersey. Is fairly smart academically-but makes up for it in a total lack of common sense. Would probably end up on quests not because she wanted something but because she would feel responsible for whoever was going <if they were friends>
Current state:
Stana has an influx of moodswings that take her from maudlin, to ice cold, to fiery bitter within moments. When not passionately any of the above, she sinks into an apathy that is unshakeable.
Pet Peeves:
Pre amulet ppl who leave the toilet seat up. Purple Dinosaurs named Barney, impetuous ppl.
Current: Any attempt to mistake their stay in Narada as an adventure. Being referred to as Chosen. Being told her "duty" as a Chosen. Being taken advantage of because of what others believe her to be.
Relationships known:
Paul: Stana knows Paul from College days. They argue alot, mostly over trivialities.
Teri: knows Teri from a former writing group. Has never met her before the college meet. Is currently alienated from Teri over hurt feelings from when she left Teri without warning to rescue the Unicorn Princess.
Shinji: Barely known.
Finn: Believes Finn to be the only contact to her home.
Lyr: The general has sworn to protect the Chosen, but he and Stana parted on harsh words over her attitude.
Clip: Her companion and Guardian.
Audion: A co quester for Finn. She avoids him because of a warning Lyr had given her.
Elainas: Co quester to rescue Finn. She was given an "Spirit" bow by Elainas.
Aaron: Knows from the real world.
Sullam: Knows from Rashka's hut, he taught her some basic defense. Co questor to rescue the Unicorn princess.
Emily(Estela): Knows through relationship to Teri, thinks she is too full of herself.
Tadrin: Thinks love is blind, and deaf...and thinks Tad proves it in his devotion to Emily.
Rashka: The old woman taught Stana alot about herbal healing before she left to go after the Unicorn Princess.
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