Name: William Rhine
Age: 19
Height: 5' 11
Eye Color: Gold
Hair: Brownish Black, long (anime-ish long)
Description: Athletic in build, due to his training. Tall and slightly muscular, he takes after his father. He is clothed in a thick white tunic; the tunic has long sleeves and, a stiff collar. He also has gloves on both his arms; the guards on the gloves extend nearly to his elbows. He also has a semi-sentient armor, which deploys in a burst of light that grows until it covers the area, although it can cover only specific parts of his body at a time right now (as his experience grows, so will the armor's versatility). The armor also possess unique qualities, when fully deployed (way later), the armor's head is in the shape of a falcon while its hands have claws and half globes imbedded on the backhand. He also wears white breeches from the waist down and thick padded leather boots.
History: William comes from a group of knights who founded their own country nearly a millennia ago which they named Xal 'Daari. The knights were survivors of the conflict that was the Rending. After establishing their fortress towns, which eventually grew into the cities that can be vividly seen today, they refocused their sights on defense of their newly established haven. The ruling Council decided that if their way of life was to continue undisturbed and unhindered, they needed to be able to defend themselves. Choosing not to allow history to repeat itself, they established the Aton Guard, soldiers who, not only had the capability to fight physically, but also possessed the unique ability to use Aton channeling, Aton being pure physical solar force. William is a direct descendant of one of the more prominent families, which comprised the first Aton Guard Captain (the armor possessed by the Aton Guard coincidentally resemble the Egyptian gods) William and his batch have been recently sent outside Xal 'Daari for their independent training. They are required to attain experience, honor for their homeland through their deeds, and return when they feel that their skills are sufficient to face the final test before becoming knights. Trainees are given the family sword when they set out for their training, which symbolizes the name they carry. They have to then complete a final test, which true course has been kept secret for generations. If the trainee is able to complete the test, then, and only then will he be promoted to the rank of knight, and only then will he be able to serve as a knight in the Aton Guard.Being a knight is considered a great honor since not many of the trainees return from the "independent training", and fewer still accomplish the final test.
Abilities/ Setbacks: As a trainee with basic skills, he is limited to basic sword fighting. In time he will learn to absorb and release solar energy by himself, this specific ability of his requires experience and practice, neither, of which he has in abundance. Right now, he is only able to use his energy on specific techniques he knows how to use; his ability will increase in versatility as he gains more experience. And he also has his armor, which he will have to learn to cope with. He is also adept to proficient in hand to hand combat. Specifically Crescent Fist, a specific technique which allows William to generate force concussion of varying strengths, which he can apply to various hand to hand techniques, especially those in the Crescent Fist's kata (Using the Crescent Fist drains a large amount of energy, as a result, he rarely uses it).
Quirks: One of his greatest fears is the dark, there are mainly 2 reasons for this 1st, it is his people's greatest weakness (prolonged detachment from sunlight can kill, as in 1 to 2 weeks long). And 2nd, as a child, he got lost in a cave near the city on a walk with his father and mother when he got separated and got lost in the cave, thus he developed this phobia, fortunately he can, at times, get himself under control. He is also very picky with food, he will refuse to eat something if "it looks weird" or "I don't like how it smells", although some coaxing might change his mind. Whenever he gets impatient, he unconsciously pushes his sword halfway out then pushes it back into its sheath repeatedly until he is able to do something. Also, his armor being semi-sentient has an attitude all it's own, also, it doesn't seem to like him very much.
Personality: Quite proud of his "combat skills", since his instructor was the best among the elite, will sometimes boast the he can defeat you if you appear weak, thus he has a bad habit of underestimating his enemy at times (one of his weaknesses). Although a little egocentric and unfeeling at times, he can become really friendly once you get to really know him.
Extra: As stated, William has gold eyes, this though, is not without reason. This particular feature has come up only a few times and only in his family. The intriguing part about this family trait is that only four of his ancestors have ever shared this trait. These four ancestors of his have all become sort of legends in their own times. The most notable of them was his father's great grandfather; who was known for his mastery of Aton channeling. For this reason, William's parents have rather high expectations of him, and although he is quite promising, whether he will live up to their expectations or not is yet to be seen.
Reason For Questing: Recently sent out of Xal 'Daari for their independent training, William wishes to learn more about the outside world, though this is only his personal reason. Primarily, their "mission" is to learn and attain knowledge and skill in the art of fighting. So basically, his primary reason for questing is learning new techniques
The Armor: The people of Xal'Daari have mastered a means to graft a special type of alloy to living flesh. The initial knights had many problems mastering and supporting the armor (as the armor took much willpower and concentration to control), but eventually, the use of the armor became widespread through-out the country. Many generations later, a strange occurence began to arise. Some children were being born with armor already grafted to their bodies.
It seemed that the consistent use of the armor caused it to join symbiotically with their human "hosts". The armor drew energy not just from sunlight (as it had initially), but also from the person that it was joined to. The person, likewise, could now survive partially on the energy derived from sunlight alone. However, should the two ever be seperated, death is surely inescapable.
The children born with this "natural armor" demonstrated a hightened level of control and manipulation over the armor. They also sometimes were gifted with less suseptibility to disease, or to fatigue. Unfortunately, with this gift also came something of a hinderance. THe children were much more vulnerable to the debilitating effects of darkness, and would often become more and more weary after mere hours of having to perform anything other than simple movement when away from sunlight.
The armor acts as an extention of the knight's body, expanding and deploying in a manner of different weapons and defenses based on the needs of the knight. However, only the greatest of warriors fully learned to master their armor, as the process can take years, or even decades, of harsh training and loyal practice. The combat schools of Xal'Daari teach only the rudiments of armor manipulation, and leave the students to learn the rest on their own. In this manner, the best students truly shine forth from their bretheren.
An additional skill of the armor is the conduction of solar energy, which may be used in a variety of attacks and defenses (the Crescent Fist is an example). Such attacks heavily drain a knight's "batteries" however, and so must only be used in times of extreme duress.
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