24 human years
16 hands tall
5'8 male. Untidy Brown hair and eyes. solid build. Carries a scar on his forhead and a slight bump that can be hidden under his unruly mop of hair.
Can only speak in his human form, so he must shapechange in order
to communicate with others . Young and impetuous and very very cocky.
His condesation to other forms of life
His horn has full healing properties but as he is young any usage
weakens him terribly, and must be incredibly infrequent. Healing
minor injuries causes slight discomfort-and the greater the injury
the greater the afteraffects. The healing-again-his health is
affected proportionately to the injury he is going at. A bruise or a
cut would prolly give him a headache, anything more than that would
render him steadily weaker. The most he could do without knocking
himself out for a week would be to heal a broken leg or arm
As a human he has noooo fighting skill to speak of, no magic, and no healing. Hence he's super vulnerable. Plus he thinks humans are generally scum so he'd change sparingly. Here's where his cockiness comes into play-- in order to communicate, he has to turn human, which is not only a blow to the ego, but also makes him extremely weak... however, if he just remains in equine form, he's mute.
1> Return and take the Oath to protect the Unicorn Princess. Then take up his responsibilities as Gaurdian.
2> Good works done not out of the need to be accepted back, but from a genuine desire to help others.
Only the first way would alow him full status. The second path would allow him a "skirter" status. He would be allowed near the herd-but not in it. Currently Oathbreakers are killed on sight-once it is confirmed there is no repentance in them.
Equine Razor sharp hooves and the Alicorn. Natural immunity to magic-although again he is young.
About the Magical immunity: Being a creature of magic he cancels out direct magic. This is in his equine form only, as the horn is the center of his power. In his human form there is but a bump in his forehead. The immunity protects him from direct attack but not indirect attack. Thus a creature of magic could rip him apart-but a mage bolt wouldn't. It could conceivably injure him severly. However, this ability exists only within the herd, as it is born of a sort of Group mentality type thing, or within his home forest-area. Otherwise, since becoming an Oathbreaker, he has lost his immunity to magical attacks.
Human a short sword used with little skill, as he underestimated humans he sees little need to develope any talent.
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