At the foot of the dais are seven scrims of different color, which shift in the draft of the fortress. A petitioner can see vaguely a form on the throne, but the shifting disrupts true vision and makes the petitioner quickly sick to his stomach. That is, if the petitioner ever gets to lift his head. Anyone entering the Throne Room is accompanied by two guards, one on either side.
He kneels before the scrims and presses his face to the carpet in homage. A booted foot or two have been known to keep a petitioner in the same position for the entire duration of the audience. There have been two exceptions to this rule. Lieh is one, who stood before the scrims rather than bending down. The other exception was Cirrus and Cumul, two creatures from the Nachtmer; they crouched at the Ghanril's feet, behind the scrims and on the dais itself.