Height 6'2
Build medium
Hair brown
Eyes blue
Elemental affinity:None
Sullam is very secretive about his past, he rarely talks concerning it. He was raised off an island of no real name or stature as the spiritual figurehead.
After a disastrous ascension ceremony, his soul became linked with that of a shadow demon that sought to kill him, in order to be freed. Soon after, Sullam left the island, never to return.
He lighted upon the monostory of the Silver Fang, and there met a young Shinji. Feeling sorry that the boy had been traumatized by unknown means, Sullam helped Shinji forget that memory, and left after that, never knowing how much affect his efforts had had.
From there he travelled from place to place, picking up various fighting forms, and skills. He is adept at several forms of martial arts but you wouldn't know it until he employs it, for he plays the fool with most people he meets.
Sullam really cares about the human condition. He, however, has a very arrogant way of showing it. He thrives on games of evasion and follow the leader, for reasons usually unexplained. He was brought up to respond to needs, he uses this method to protect himself from feeling too much. He is trained at reading body language as well as what is known of psychology. Healer of goodly knowledge, he has learned under Raksha. Charming when he so employs it, he is a centered individual that holds the world at bay and is searching for someone he feels he can truly learn from, someone that he does not have to play games with.
At age of five he was chosen to assume the head of a covert society of mystics. Sullam's family is an ancient one-he can trace his ancestry back 1500 years. Without his consent he was trained in psychology (as we know it) the healing arts, mysticism, leadership etc. At age eight he was already dispensing out decisions on who was to marry, who not, who to live and die. He experienced death all around him, as friends perished in his arms. All this to prepare him to take the head of this society within a society. On the day of his religious ascension, he was forced to perpetrate a summoning of their divine force. Instead, he opened an interdimensional rip, and pulled the soul of a shadow creature through, linking his soul to it. Now the only way it can be freed is by Sullam's death. At age thirteen, on the day of his manhood ceremony, Sullam declined that position, declaring it all fraudulent, and left.
He was accepted into a Healing acadamy, but seeing too many similarities to the mystical clan he had denounced, Sullam quit and left. He eventually was adopted by the old crone and he came to view her as Ima- "mother"
It was there that he met Stana, Teri, Clip, Shinji. He left with Stana and Clip to rescue the Unicorn princess, and afterwards, returned with the Princess to the Unicorn's valley. It was there that he discovered that Stana was being manipulated by the amulet, and journeyed to find the missing amulet piece that would free her of its influence.
He remembered seeing the amulet piece in the monostary of the Silver Fang, and kidnapped Shinji to get in. Orchid joined the quest at this point, and Sullam remembered his sister in Orchid, and grew protective of her.
Within the Silver Fang, Sullam challenged Crusader, and survived, being give the amulet location as payment. It was then that Alissa arrived, joining them for want of nothing else to do.
The travel into the cave beneath the monostary for the attachment proved fruitless, and Sullam came to believe that one Tahou, Fuhai had taken it. He kept this knowledge from Shinji, and the group escaped the caverns.
They travelled ot the nearby town, where first Orchid, then Sullam were abducted by the "Order of the Divinity" Sullam's forsaken faithful. He was then coerced into resuming his position.
Out of options, and weary of the situation, he consented, giving the people exactly what they asked for when he performed the rite as he had as a child, and destroyed the temple, and many lives, when the dark shadowed hell hound emerged.
With the help of Shinji, and the Gadari, they managed to stop the beast before it enacted total annihilation, and Sullam left the island, with a threat that he would not be forced to return again.
Stana: Met at Rashka's hut. Co questor for the Unicorn princess. Sullam is searching for the Earth Amulet attachment that will free her from its taint.
Teri: Rashka's hut
Clip: Met at Rashka's hut. Co questor for the Unicorn princess.
Alissa: Met in the Silver Fang, so questor for Stana's amulet piece.
Shinji: Met at the Silver Fang when they were both young. Sullam helped Shinji forget a painful memory, and now feels responsible for Shinji continuing to hide from that fear.
Orchid: Met outside the Silver Fang. Utterly devoted to Orchid, as he sees the spirit of his little sister in her.
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